
Pine Slash Florida Native

Pine Slash Florida Native

By choosing a Loblolly Pine from our Florida farm, you’re not just adding a breathtaking element to your space; you’re making a conscious choice for the environment. You’re planting a...

Pine Slash Florida Native

By choosing a Loblolly Pine from our Florida farm, you’re not just adding a breathtaking element to your space; you’re making a conscious choice for the environment. You’re planting a...

American Fringe Tree Florida Native

American Fringe Tree Florida Native

The Fringe Tree’s magic extends beyond its fleeting blooms. Its glossy green leaves, shimmering with life, provide welcome shade in the scorching sun and create a tranquil haven for wildlife....

American Fringe Tree Florida Native

The Fringe Tree’s magic extends beyond its fleeting blooms. Its glossy green leaves, shimmering with life, provide welcome shade in the scorching sun and create a tranquil haven for wildlife....

Pawpaw Florida Native

Pawpaw Florida Native

The Pawpaw’s beauty isn’t merely ornamental. Its deep, spreading roots anchor it firmly in the soil, preventing erosion and protecting Florida’s fragile coastlines from storm surges. Its efficient growth and...

Pawpaw Florida Native

The Pawpaw’s beauty isn’t merely ornamental. Its deep, spreading roots anchor it firmly in the soil, preventing erosion and protecting Florida’s fragile coastlines from storm surges. Its efficient growth and...

Japanese Blueberry Non-Florida Native

Japanese Blueberry Non-Florida Native

Forget fleeting seasonal displays, the Japanese Blueberry paints its verdant tapestry year-round. Its dense foliage, shimmering with vibrant life, provides welcome shade in the blistering sun and creates a visual...

Japanese Blueberry Non-Florida Native

Forget fleeting seasonal displays, the Japanese Blueberry paints its verdant tapestry year-round. Its dense foliage, shimmering with vibrant life, provides welcome shade in the blistering sun and creates a visual...

Cherry Laurel Florida Native

Cherry Laurel Florida Native

The Cherry Laurel’s magic extends beyond its captivating form. Its dense foliage, a sanctuary from scorching sun and wind, provides a haven for a symphony of wildlife. Birds flit through...

Cherry Laurel Florida Native

The Cherry Laurel’s magic extends beyond its captivating form. Its dense foliage, a sanctuary from scorching sun and wind, provides a haven for a symphony of wildlife. Birds flit through...

Vitex Shoel Creek Non-Florida Native

Vitex Shoel Creek Non-Florida Native

The magic of the Vitex Shoal Creek extends beyond its captivating blooms. Its delicate leaves, shimmering with life, attract a symphony of pollinators – butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds – ensuring...

Vitex Shoel Creek Non-Florida Native

The magic of the Vitex Shoal Creek extends beyond its captivating blooms. Its delicate leaves, shimmering with life, attract a symphony of pollinators – butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds – ensuring...